If you're working towards a degree, you should be working hard. You shouldn't be making straight A's in every class, every semester. Unless you're Sheldon Cooper, you should have some varied grades.
Now, I'm not so naive that I don't understand why people see these online university and think, "Two years to a degree? Awesome!" I get it. We need to make a living and having a degree gets us one step closer to one that pays well. That said, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
Therefore you should do your research. There are a lot of legitimate online schools out there. Matter of fact, every night I hear one on the radio for ASU. But there are also a crapload of scammers out there as well. Someone I know was doing a nursing program online and every class they were getting an A because the classes were so easy. Every. Class. Even if you're smart, that ought to be a red flag. If they promise you all kinds of amazing things, that, too, is a red flag.
So, when I see someone whining about how worthless their degree is for one reason or another, it's always because they've attended one of these fly-by-night online universities. In half a minute, I can usually find numerous awful reviews talking about how much of a scam that particular school is. Why didn't you do that before you applied? It's not like you're going to Yale, guys.
Maybe I'm being too harsh and, if that's the case, I'm sorry. But I look at it this way: I'm currently paying my daughter's tuition at a state college. It's expensive and she's busting her ass to make good grades. She's smart, but she had to audit a class last semester because she was failing it and didn't want to ruin her GPA. Her degree will get her a job in the end. Will yours?
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