Thursday, September 5, 2019

August Pelo Update

This past June I bought a Peloton bike.  

There were many reasons but the biggest was for my husband.  He had a kidney transplant back in April and while doing amazingly well, he has little to no strength in his legs.  So, walking is tough.  But sitting and peddling?  That he can do.  The other reason was mama is getting rotund and has a hard time finding a way to get to the gym.  So, mama got her bike.  Hahaha.

Anyway, I'm rather in love with this bike to nowhere.  It's a quality machine but the thing that makes it?  The instructors.  You have your serious ones, your fun ones, and then you have Cody Rigsby, but he's an entire post of his own.  There are rides for all ability levels, motivation levels, music preferences, etc.  In addition, the Peloton Digital app/website has strength training, yoga, meditation, running, and walking videos so that you're not only on the bike.  

There's also an amazing Pelo community on Facebook, which is motivating, inspiring, and wonderful.  

One of the neatest things about this is that at the end of every month, they send you an email update comparing that month with the previous.  So, I can look and see how far I've come.  

The above is a screenshot of my August stats email.  In August I:

  • worked out 4 times more.
  • worked out a total of 33 minutes longer.
  • rode 3.5 more miles.
  • burned 565 more calories. 

Kinda awesome, huh?

I'm not a fitness fanatic, so I'm really impressed with my progress since mid-June.  According to the file I just downloaded, I've ridden 222.21 miles and burned over 9,000 calories!  Now, I have a long damn way to go, but I'm getting there.  September 19th I'll have had it for 3 months and I can already see improvement.

Something else exciting is that Peloton celebrates what they call your Century Ride - when you hit 100 rides (or runs, walks, yoga, whatever), they send you a t-shirt to commemorate it.  Cool, huh?  I'm sitting at ride #38, so I'm getting there slowly but surely.  I'm hoping to hit my century ride by the end of the year.  Wish me luck.

And... that's the end of the infomercial.  


  1. It sounds like this bike has brought a lot of positive changes to your life. That's awesome.

    1. It really has. And while I've lost less than a pound, I've also managed to drop 4" so that's HUGE. Thanks. :)
