Friday, November 1, 2019

(Not All) Men

What is it with the men in my life not being able to tell me exactly what they want?  I get that sometimes you're not 110% sure, but it seems like the ones I have to deal with regularly aren't even in the same ballpark as their wants.

Take Boss #1, for example.  He's the oldest of the three brothers I work for and hasn't ever, as far as I know, been capable of talking in a straight line.  He pretty much starts in the middle of his thought, goes round and round and never gets to the point.  More than half the time, by the time he's done, I have no idea what he wants from me.  

Today, he starts talking about the problems he was having with his phone a couple weeks ago (and I had to listen to him talk for a good two minutes before I knew what he meant).  Anyway, he has a really wonky system of filing his contacts, but it works for him so I don't question it.  He comes to me, tells me that since Apple fixed his phone, his contacts aren't right.  

The example he gives me is for his nephew, Brian, who also works for the company.  He wants to be able to go to the G's - the letter their last name starts with - to find him because it's easier.  Which, I get to some extent.  I take his phone because I know this is an easy fix, and I fix it.

But... he's not happy because now some people aren't how he wanted them.  He wants some contacts by last name first.  Others by first name.  Some, he wants by company.  

He couldn't have told me this prior though because that would like make TOO MUCH DAMN SENSE.

Although, his phone did BOLD the important words, making them stick out if you were searching.  He has the audacity to tell me, "But I won't notice the bolding!"  And, for some people, I can see that being possible.  However, he has his display set at OMG CAN WE GET THIS ANY LARGER FOLKS? and the bolding can bee seen from space.  So, now I'm frustrated because he's simply being difficult at this point.

I do the only thing I can do and still keep my job.  I hand him his phone back and tell him to reset it to how he'd had it, and go back and manually change every last contact by hand.  

Is it four o'clock yet?  

On the bright side, he left the office and I won't likely see him again today.  But whew, the three hours he was here? Hahaha.

Happy November everyone!

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