Monday, September 16, 2019


As you may or may not know, I have two kids, both girls. One is 19 and the other is 17.  

My older girl decided a long time ago that she wanted to be a nurse, which is great.  My mother-in-law is a retired nurse and I honestly think that had a lot to do with it.  Either way, it's a great profession.  Bonus is that UNLV has an excellent nursing program.  

My younger girl, however, wants to be a veterinarian.  Which, honestly, isn't surprising.  She loves animals and loves taking care of people and pets.  On the down side, UNLV doesn't have a veterinary program.  She would have to do her first couple years here, then transfer to another school.  The closest?  UNR in Reno.  On the plus side, it's at least still local.  

So, yesterday afternoon, she comes up to me and says, "Would you guys be mad if I changed my major?"

I looked at her and told her we had no right to be upset because it was her life, her career, and SHE and she alone had to be happy with it.  Relieved, she said she'd decided to change her major to psychology.  Which, again, doesn't surprise me.  She's talked about this in the past, but eventually decided on veterinary medicine.  This girl is very kind and loving but also takes no crap either. I think she'd be great in this field.  Bonus: UNLV has a psychology program. HUZZAH! 

Anyway, I can't tell you how much stress that took off my shoulders.  I want her to be happy, but I also didn't know how on earth I was going to pay for this either.  Knowing that she'll be staying locally helps because it cuts down on food, rent, etc.  Now, to get her graduated!


  1. Oh, you'll still be paying, lol. I think it's pretty difficult to be successful in psychology with a 4-year degree, but a master's is much more doable than veterinary school! Madi wants to major in astronomy, which will undoubtedly mean grad school, too. I'm encouraging less expensive options for undergrad!

    1. Oh without a doubt. But, I know what to expect with UNLV since her sister is in her second year there now. Also, she can get a halfway decent job (hopefully) while doing her masters.

      But yeah, none of it will be cheap. And vet school is a horribly tough thing to get into.
