Tuesday, July 7, 2020

They Say You Can't Argue With Some People

Truth is, you can't even TALK to some people.  And that's not even a joke.

Case in point: someone posts an article about Mary Trump's upcoming book.  Goes on to vent about how nothing will surprise them about the man in the White House.

I respond with the obvious - that she's a clinical psychologist and that it might be illuminating.

Their response?  A bunch of word salad about how it won't change his supporters minds (never said it would), that they'd lived with a narcissist for years (knew this), how people don't get it (yeah, we do, because you're on about it at least twice a day), and I gave up before I finished the comment and clicked that tab closed so I wouldn't be tempted to respond.  

I get that Mary Trump's book won't change his supporters' minds.  But not one word of their rage reply had anything to do with my comment.  I really was tempted to say, "Okay, but why are you yelling at ME?" because that's exactly what they were doing.

But then, I shouldn't have expected anything less from this person.  They're notorious for venting, ranting, raving, and generally being pissed off about several different things several times a day.  You'd think that, after all the years I've known them, that I'd know better than to engage.  But shit, I don't even think I was engaging!  I was just stating an opinion as a one-time psych major.

Oh, wait, that was my problem right there - I offered up an opinion that differed from their own.  My bad.  THAT I really ought to have known not to do.  

Why do I insist on doing this to myself?


  1. Because you'd like to believe that it might make a difference. I get it.

    1. We have to hope, right? Otherwise, what's the point? :)
